Online Exam

Online Exam


What is an online examination?

IIECCE online examination is conducted on web-enabled devices like laptops and desktop computers. These exams or tests help to accurately assess a student’s knowledge in a wide range of subjects. 

The main advantage of this examination system is that it can be used to administer paper-less tests and also get instant test results.

Online examination process

IIECCE can easily set up exams through online assessment flatforms. There are a plethora of options to choose from, and often one test can be combined with another for quick evaluation of various parameters. 

Subject-matter experts prepare the test questions, and most of the online examination flatforms have auto evaluation features to facilitate rapid result generation.

What is an online examination system?

IIECCE online examination system is a computer-based test system that can be used to conduct computer based tests online. This examination system uses fewer resources and reduces the need for question papers and answer scripts, exam room scheduling, arranging invigilators, coordinating with examiners, and more.

How online examination system works?

All the processes involved in a paper-based examination are digitized through online examination systems. Right from student learning assessment and entry-level candidate assessment during campus placements can be done online.

Working process of online examination software:

The first step you’ll have to take is to get an online examination system. You can surf on the Internet and see different kinds of online examination systems around.

Set up the exam

It’s easy to get started with our online examination system. First, you are able to write a short introduction. In this introduction, you can write what participants can expect from your exam. After that, you can add questions (like multiple-choice questions, multiple choices with multiple answers, subjective, objective, etc).

Conduct exam

You can decide the start date and the end date (including hours) for your participants to have access to the exam. After you’ve created the exam, it gives you the chance to put it online. By sharing the URL, participants are able to click on the link that will lead them to the exam.

Evaluate and track progress

After participants made the exam, the creator is able to view the progress of the participants. You’re able to view the statistics per user or get an overall view of the performance of the group.


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