Examination Rules

Examination Rules


Examination Rules for students

The following rules apply to every student of IIECCE,  while taking the various written examinations that form a part of the evaluation process for their curricular courses.

I. Reporting to the examination hall.

1. No student will be allowed to bring his/her mobile phones to the examination hall.

2. All students must carry with them their Identity Card during the examinations and produce the same for verification, if required.

3. The students should ensure that they bring with them all the concerned material that is allowed by the concerned course instructor, which would be needed to take the examination.

4. The students are expected to take their respective seats 5 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement of the examination.

5. Students should ensure that they are not carrying on their person any material, other than that allowed by the course instructor for the particular examination, before they take their seats in the exam hall. Any such material found on their person during the examination would be construed as a deliberate attempt to use unfair means and would be dealt with accordingly.

II. At the start of the examination

1. The doors of the examination hall would be closed 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination, for the distribution of the exam material to the students already seated in the room. The door will be opened, to allow latecomers, after the last student already seated in the room in time has received his/her exam material.

2. The latecomers should proceed take their seats and wait for the exam material to be given to them.

3. No student will be allowed to enter the examination hall 15 minutes after the commencement of the examination for in-semester examinations and 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination for end-semester examinations.

III. During the examination.

1. Exchange (borrowing or lending) of any material during the examination is not allowed.

2. No student will resort to any unfair means of any nature while taking their examinations. If any student were found to be involved in using unfair means during an examination, the said student would be immediately expelled from the exam hall for that examination and the matter would be reported to the respective course instructor and the Dean (AP) for further action.

3. In case a student is found to be copying from his/her fellow student, then both the parties, the one providing the assistance and the one seeking the same, would be punished for the same.

4. In case a student has to leave his/her seat for whatever reason, he/she has to seek the permission of the concerned invigilator(s) of that exam hall before doing so. For visiting the rest room, he/she has to seek the permission of the concerned faculty invigilator of that examination hall before doing so.

5. No supplement(s) would be given to the students in the last 5 minutes of the examination.

IV. On completion of the examination.

1. No student will be allowed to leave the room in the first 15 minutes of the in semester examination (typical duration 1 hour) or first 30 minutes of the endsemester examination (typical duration of 3 hours) and in the last 5 minutes of the examination.

2. Students who are present in the last 5 minutes of the examination will have to wait till the exam material is collected from all the students by the invigilators and they are permitted to leave by the faculty invigilator of that exam hall.

3. While leaving the examination hall the students should not hang around to discuss the paper. As there may be other examinations still in progress, quietly leave the building to ensure that you do not disturb them.

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